Thursday, August 28, 2008

IFYL!!! (August 28, 2008)

Ever have a morning when you don't wanna be bothered? Feel like telling your significant other to "get outta your face"??? Well this "getting up on the wrong side of the bed syndrome" plagues many people on a daily basis.

What is a cause?:

- Hormone levels

  • In the morning hours, the hormone cortisone is prevalent; It elevates blood pressure and prepares the body for the "fight or flight" response

  • The hormone testosterone (which is more concentrated in males) is present at its highest level of the day in the morning time; It creates a higher desire for competition which may lead to grumpiness if one doesn't get his way

How to rid yourself of this "tuuudddde"...

- Plan to reward/pamper yourself

  • By making a plan to treat yourself, you are giving yourself something to look forward to; This anticipation helps the grumpiness subside

- Do something for someone else

  • It would feel REALLY abnormal to do a good deed with a mean mug, so try this method if you wanna get over your "moody Rudy blues"

Yet another useful, yet random, tip from Intelligence For Your Life!

Intelligence For Your Life c/o The John Tesh Radio Show


RunGirl. said...

Things tha make you go hmmmmm ....

RunGirl. said...

I am starving for informative randomness ... you got me feenin' over here. Where are you??